Friday, September 10, 2010


It's been some time since my last post, nine months! Amongst the typical family matters, I've been gestating on some new career ventures. Here's the short list:
  • I am now a certified Aging in Place designer (CAPS).
  • Bathroom remodel published in Today's Home Bay Area, second publication pending.
  • Co-launched my husband's new company (he's a furniture manufacturers' representative). Side note: it's sooo much fun getting to preview new styles and products he sells!
  • My daughter turned 2 (she's now 2.5). Side note: potty training is not fun!
  • I had my first successful vegetable harvest.

  • Launched independent furnishings venture. Here's a proof of my first marketing postcard:

    ***All referrals are welcomed, get your Design Fix on!***